Yo Ho, Yo Ho a Pirate's life for Me!
Hey guys, I am so sorry I haven't posted in a million years and I have no excuse as I've had a lot of free time!
I recently posted a video on my fashion based youtube channel (click to go to it!) of me making some cute storage jars to help keep your room/desk/life organised! I am going to be decorating my uni accommodation with a nautical, seaside theme (video and post coming soon!) and so chose to have pirate figures topping my jars, but if you're a bit more girly, or want a particular theme, these jars can be adapted very easily (glue guns are the way forward!)
On my channel I also have a few haul videos and a video of me discussing my skin care routine/ the new product I am using to help me get rid of my spots (damn being a teenager).
I hope you enjoy my videos and if you have any suggestions of what you'd like to see in a blog post or video, please feel free to drop a comment below- I love a good chat!
Lottie :) x