Recently, I have been lusting after a few bits and bobs in Topshop, but having no money at the moment due to going to London for a couple of days, I can wish but can't buy!
First up on the wishlist are the Blackwatch Check Leggings which I discovered on Stylish Behaviour's blog, currently selling for £25.
My second top pick is the Wool Biker Jacket, which my lovely friend Maisie was sporting at college (she has great style!). When seeing it, I got very jealous and still lust after it whenever she's wearing it! I'm not 100% sure if this one is exactly the same as Maisie's but it's just as gorgeous!
Now if you read my blog, you'll know I have a slight craze and love for shoes, especially when they come under the category 'boy meets girl' (was I destined to be the opposite gender?!). Anyway, when I saw this next pair of boots my heart leaped and then sunk after reading their hefty price tag. However, I've posted a picture of the Traditional Brogue Boots by Loake anyway to show my appreciation and so that you can also drool at them in your heart's desire!
And finally, another pair of boots in the same colour as the beauties above. The Affanita Mid Heel Chelsea boots are an autumn staple, keeping you feet warm and super stylish. At a reasonable price of £62, I will definitely keep my eyes on these as well as drop many hints for Christmas!
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