"On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me..." a fashionable scarf to keep me warm! Everyone loves wearing scarves, they keep you warm and can sometimes be the perfect touch to make an outfit. With this is mind I have decided to do my top 4 scarves from the high street this season.
#1 The Tartan Scarf- New Look
I received this scarf for my birthday back in October and love it for its on trend style, shape and design. Not only is it lovely and warm, you get 2 scarves in one featuring a tartan side and a dog tooth print on the other. Available in red or blue tones (or be my mum and buy both! )
#2 Stockwell Scarf- Jack Wills This scarf is perfect for wearing all year round, it's pretty feathered pattern adding elegance to any outfit, meaning it is even great for posh dinner parties.
#3 AMANDIE COLOUR BLOCK FRINGED TASSLE SCARF- Miss GuidedI love the vibrant colour of this scarf, matched perfectly with the slate grey which is subtly flecked within the yellow. This scarf will help make your monochrome outfit pop and will brighten up any dreary winter day.
#4 Staring at Stars Knitted Snood- Urban OutfittersThis is a perfect seasonal addition to your wardrobe; it's warm colour the perfect wintery colour palette and the Nordic print adding a touch of festivity to an outfit.
I received this scarf for my birthday back in October and love it for its on trend style, shape and design. Not only is it lovely and warm, you get 2 scarves in one featuring a tartan side and a dog tooth print on the other. Available in red or blue tones (or be my mum and buy both! )

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